Friday, August 21, 2020

Police States and Territories of India and Civil Services Examination free essay sample

IPS officials are enlisted from the state police frameworks and from the thorough Civil Services Examination led by Union Public Service Commission each year. [7] Due to a continuous deficiency of cops in India, the Ministry of Home Affairs proposed the formation of an Indian Police Service Limited Competitive Examination to be directed by UPSC. [8] The Civil Services Examination has a three phase serious choice procedure. At stage one, there is a target type assessment called the starter test. This is a passing assessment. It comprises of a General Studies paper and a bent test. Just the applicants who pass this can show up for the Main Examination which comprises of nine papers. Every applicant needs to choose a discretionary subject (one paper) and to take six General Studies papers, an Essay, an English language paper and a territorial language paper. This is trailed by a meeting. After determination for the IPS, applicants are assigned to a framework. We will compose a custom article test on Police: States and Territories of India and Civil Services Examination or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page There is one framework in every Indian state, except for three joint units: Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura, and Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram-Union Territories (AGMUT). 66% of the quality of each framework is filled straightforwardly by IPS officials and the remaining are advanced from the separate states unit officials. State Police Services (India) Indian Police Service and Law implementation in India The State Police Services , essentially known as State Police or SPS are police benefits heavily influenced by separate state administrations of the States and regions of India. The competitors chose for the SPS are generally posted as Deputy Superintendent of Police or Assistant Commissioner of Police once their trial period closes. On endorsed acceptable assistance in the SPS, the officials are assigned to the Indian Police Service. [1] The enrollment to this administration is finished by the separate State Governments, for the most part through State Public Service Commissions. The enrollment to SPS is likewise on a similar example as that for IPS. The main distinction is that the enrollment of SPS officials is made by the State Public Service Commission worried through generally a joined serious assessment for State Civil Services which on account of IPS is through the All-India Civil Services Examination directed by Union Public Service Commission . Be that as it may, if there should be an occurrence of Union Territory, enlistment to SPS is likewise made by Union Public Service Commission through the Civil Services Examination as one of the Group-B Services. State police necessity in enormous States like Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh is more noteworthy when contrasted with the littler States like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Sikkim and north-eastern States. After choice, which again depends on the decision of administration and value of an applicant, chose competitors are required to experience enthusiastic trial preparing before getting posted as ACP or DSP.

Monday, July 13, 2020

How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD

How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD BPD Print How Self-Conscious Emotions Affect BPD By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 29, 2019 Daniel Allan/Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions If you have borderline personality disorder (BPD), self-conscious emotions can play a major role. Due to the disorder, feelings are intensified and can cause harmful reactions. Find out more about self-conscious emotions and how they impact your mental health.   What Are Self-Conscious Emotions? While some emotions are considered basic emotions, meaning that they require little or no sense of self to experience or recognize, self-conscious emotions are related to our self-concept and an understanding of our relationship to other people and the larger community.   For example, to experience the basic emotion fear, you only need to perceive something as threatening. But to experience a self-conscious emotion, such as guilt, you must have both a sense of self and an understanding of your behavior, such as recognizing when you did something wrong.   The self-conscious emotions include both positive emotions like pride or confidence as well as negative emotions like shame or jealousy.   Purpose   Scientists believe that self-conscious emotions have an evolutionary basis. They help you survive by promoting social inclusion, such as helping you stay in the good graces of others. For example, when you express embarrassment after violating some social norm, the expression of that emotion helps you to repair relationships. For instance, if you have hurt a friend and apologize to her, your face may turn red and you may not be able to meet her eyes. Your friend will know how badly you feel and may be less angry with you.   These feelings also probably help prevent you from violating social norms in the future. If you know you will feel guilty if you steal from someone, you are more likely to avoid that behavior altogether.   Borderline Personality Disorder and Self-Conscious Emotions Research has shown that people with BPD are more likely to have unpleasant or negative self-conscious emotions. The cause of this is two-fold. Because BPD can cause you to experience more intense emotions and feelings of shame or guilt, this can cause inappropriate or destructive behaviors, such as sexual interactions or violence. These experiences also shape how people with BPD interpret behaviors. For instance, someone who has had an inappropriate sexual relationship will feel shame or guilt and may perceive a persons actions as predatory. This can cause them to react to that person aggressively, even if the other person is innocent. The link between BPD and self-conscious emotions can start a cycle of destruction, leading a person to self-harm or suicidal thoughts.   If you feel you struggle with self-conscious emotions and you have borderline personality disorder, its important to talk about this with your therapist or health care provider. They can help you handle self-conscious emotions in a healthy way that doesnt harm yourself or others. By learning coping strategies, such as taking a break from the situation, you can process the emotions fully and establish whether or not your reaction is equal to what has actually happened. Your therapist will help you improve these skills so you can manage your illness and better maintain your relationships.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Management Of Grief By Bharati Mukherjee And Araby

There is a great importance of theme and literary characteristics when attempting to connect various literary works, as it allows the reader to make a deeper connection and understanding of the stories. Although The Management of Grief by Bharati Mukherjee and Araby by James Joyce had incredibly diverse settings, one may connect the two by the similar themes shared in both works. Both authors also frequently use recurring imagery and main character point of view in their stories, to further the readers understanding of the themes. On the other hand, the stories can also be described as different through their settings, plot structures, and characters. The short stories have both similarities and differences when it comes to themes and literary characteristics. These two short stories showcase the diversity of writing as although the stories are quite different, both can be related through the authors styles of writing. The connection between these literary works proves that there is always a deeper meaning, despite their slight differences. Both The Management of Grief and Araby share the reoccurring theme of love and loss. The main characters of each story both fight their own battles to cope with the losses of loved ones. Shaila Bhave of The Management of Grief, loses her entire family in a plane hijacking accident and is forced to go on without her loved ones. Similarly, the young boy of Araby seems to lose his chance with a woman he is in love with from afar as he

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should We Blame Video Games For Violence - 1295 Words

â€Å"Should We Blame Video Games for Violence† Video games; a pastime for many people across the world, a form of entertainment, and, of course, a way to destress yourself from the outside world. Video games have been around since October 18, 1958 and have been evolving rapidly through the years. â€Å" More than fifty years ago, before either arcades or home video games, visitors waited in line at Brookhaven National Laboratory to play â€Å"Tennis for Two,† an electronic tennis game that is unquestionably a forerunner of the modern video game† (â€Å"The First Video Game† 1). Since then, you can play video games at a local arcade or buy a copy of a game you like at a store like Gamestop! There are several companies and millions of titles of games to play from and, definitely, a wide variety of platforms to play on. Video games have a plethora of genres and types of games to play. For example, one could embark on a new journey in a role-playing game like Fallout 3 to playing an american football game in the Madden series. The options do not just end right there! Since video games are advancing so if there content! Specifically, in their action and shooter genre. In a modern action/ shooting games, one can see the blood and even characters get their head blown off. Some video game titles have mass murder scenes and even sexual themes. â€Å"As the level of violence in video games has increased, so has concern for the effects on those who play - especially those who play a lot† (â€Å"Video GameShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Violence in the Media on Children Essay1150 Words   |  5 PagesTelevision, movies, and video games are a big part of childrens lives in todays technologically advanced society. However, there is a big controversy questioning the effects of these media outlets on children. Much of society claims to have proof for the belief that media violence affects children negatively. However, I am skeptical of the evidence that is stated to prove that claim. I feel that society has placed the blame on these mediums for the violent acts, however serious or trivial,Read More Violence in the Media is Not to Blame for the Effect on Children1158 Words   |  5 PagesThe Effect of Violence in the Media on Children Television, movies, and video games are a big part of children’s lives in today’s technologically advanced society. However, there is a big controversy questioning the effects of these media outlets on children. Much of society claims to have proof for the belief that media violence affects children negatively. However, I am skeptical of the evidence that is stated to prove that claim. I feel that society has placed the blame on these mediums forRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Young Children, Teenagers, And Adults1297 Words   |  6 Pagesoutraged by violence in the media. Whether in video games, books, radio, music, or television, there is always someone or something to blame for the violence. Violence is everywhere in the media , there is no disagreeing with that. Whether it be movies, television, video games, or music, there will always be violence, but blaming it on movies, television, video games, or music is not the answer. If blame needs to be placed why are the parent of the children who choose to commit acts of violence not Read MoreViolence in Television, Movies, and Video Games Should Not Be Censored1653 Words   |  7 PagesVIOLENCE IN TELEVISION, MOVIES, AND VIDEO GAMES SHOULD NOT BE CENSORED Television, movies, and video games have a great influence on the minds of todays youth. But, what exactly are the effects of such an influence? Certain people have exaggerated the effects that these media have on todays youth. Many people, including government officials, have singled out these three media sources as the cause of some types of violence simply because it is an easy target for laying the blame. The truth isRead MoreYouth Violence: Is the Media to Blame?1514 Words   |  7 PagesYouth Violence: Is the Media to Blame? COM/156 07/27/13 Mallory Dunkley Youth Violence: Is the Media to Blame? Not all children who watch violent programming get in trouble with the law; some feel that there is a strong direct link between the two. There is a good deal of compelling data that suggests that there is a direct link between the media and youth violence. Throughout our history, the media has and can influence people in different ways but the more obvious questionRead MoreVideo Games and Their Role in Violence and Bullying Essay1374 Words   |  6 Pagesmature video games that the children play on their media device. However, many people say that there are other reasons that children show aggressive behavior and why they become bullies to other children. I believe that there are other reasons than video games that cause a child to become disobedient and unruly. There are many studies that show that video games are not the reason behind the youth’s behavior but other factors in their lives. Although the studies show that it is not video games to blameRead MoreDo Violent Vi deo Games Make People More Violent?1277 Words   |  6 PagesViolent Video Games Make People More Violent in Real Life? The American Psychological Association reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%. The psychological group also reported that 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence (Do Video Games Lead to Violence). A video game may be considered violent if it contains â€Å"violent† language, gore/blood, and crime. Video games areRead More Violent Video Games did Not Cause the Columbine High School Shooting1634 Words   |  7 Pagesscientific credentials or otherwise, I have concluded that video games are no more to blame for the ebullition found in today’s society than any other possible cause. However, the incessant brouhaha as well as the negative notoriety surrounding media and video games refuses to cease or let up. These claims—for or against video games—are ultimately subjective and inconclusive and very little can be confidently derived from them. Granted, the violence found in our youth is growing rapidly, and there mustRead MoreThe Media is not to Blame for the Violence in Society Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesThe Media is not to Blame for the Violence in Society People are quick to blame violence in our society on television, movies or video games because they are simple believable targets. We have to look beyond this disinformation and attack the real causes for the violence in our society. Violence in television programs, movies, or video games will not make a person kill someone else. People watch violent images all the time, and only a very small percent of them actually commit violent crimesRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Violent Video Games1534 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"We cannot and will not ban the creation of violent video games. But, we can prevent the distribution of these disturbing games to children, where their effects can be negative.† (Kohl, Herb). Violent video games have been blamed for children poor school performance, mental development, and aggressive behavior; there are many studies conducted by different psychologists and experts in the area, and they came up with different results. Most people and studies beli eve that children are the primary

Redbox Free Essays

Management Policy November 19, 2012 Red Box Red Box is the industry leader in DVD rental kiosks. It has established itself as an inexpensive and convenient method for customers to rent DVDs. Although Red Box is a cost leader in its segment, it is threatened by the slow but impending disappearance of the DVD format. We will write a custom essay sample on Redbox or any similar topic only for you Order Now Threat of New Entrants RedBox has a cost performance advantage over possible new entrants since it is owned by a publicly traded company and already has an established distribution channel relationship. RedBox has an advantage over new entrants in that it already has a well-known brand image amongst movie viewers. People often say â€Å"why don’t you go just rent it from RedBox† during conversations. However, consumers can readily switch over to Blockbuster or cable pay-per-services. Porter’s Five Forces I. Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers is high since it is extremely easy and inexpensive for the consumers switch viewing mediums. II. Threat of Substitutes The thread of substitutes is high due to competitors such as Netflix, Blockbuster, cable and satellite T. V. companies. III. Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is high since there are only a handful of movie studios that are able to supply the DVDs. Movie studios can limit the quantity, as well as increase the price and royalty payments of DVDs. Other wholesalers can also increase the price and limit the supply of DVDs. IV. Intensity of Rivalry among Existing Competitors The intensity among existing competitors is fierce since Blockbuster has the ability to install more rental kiosks at existing stores and sign new contracts with existing retailers. Customers can buy new movies for $5 at retailers such as Walmart or get them shipped to their homes from retailers such as Amazon. V. The Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes is high. A motion picture DVD is difficult to duplicate unless it is burned illegally. However, digital formats of movies are becoming more prevalent and as the smart phone population grows. Cellular signal carriers are also rapidly increasing their bandwidth and it is predictable, soon mobile signals will be as strong as or stronger than current broad band signals offered by cable providers. Automakers will eventually install TV monitors in each family vehicle that will allow children to watch movies downloaded or streaming live, instead of viewing DVDs. S. W. O. T. I. Strengths Redbox is owned by a publicly traded company and has the funding of its shareholders. Redbox has pre-existing retail contacts that were established by its parent company, Coinstar that enables them to expand faster than competitors who need to establish new contacts. II. Weaknesses Redbox is under the mercy of the movie studios. Should any movie studio decide to terminate their contract with Redbox, it will lose a significant percentage of its suppliers considering there are only a handful of movie studios. The movie studios also have influence on wholesale distributors, which can affect Redbox’s supply chain. III. Opportunities Redbox can enter the home digital rental market to directly compete with Netflix. It can also start selling other products, such as popcorn and soda, with its DVDs, in its vending machines. IV. Threats Redbox is threatened by the ever growing population of mobile users who will be able to download movies to their portable devices at speeds greater than DSL in the near future. Redbox is also under threat from pirated copies of movies that are prevalent worldwide. How to cite Redbox, Essay examples

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Nursing 103 Final Essay Example

Nursing 103 Final Essay Notes for Final Chapter 6/11- Anaphylaxis Allergic reaction Acute Sx: hives, rash, itching and nasal secretions, fever, malaise Severe: hypotension, tachycardia, bronchoconstriction Tx: Benadryl, put vaccine in dominant arm, warm compresses, Tylenol Chapter 8- Pain NSAIDS -ASA, Ibuprofen (motrin), Ketorolac (Toradol), Naproxen (Naprosyn) Mild to moderate pain Take with full glass of water Do not mix ASA with other NSAIDS Monitor for GI bleeding Opioids –Codeine, Hydrocodone, -Morphine, Darvocet Moderate to severe pain Monitor for respiratory depression, urinary retention, constipation Naloxone to treat respiratory depression Chapter 10- Surgery –Laparoscopy- Laparoscopy is a surgery that uses a thin, lighted tube put through a cut (incision) in the belly to look at the abdominal organs or the female pelvic organs . Laparoscopy is used to find problems such as cysts, adhesions, fibroids , and infection. Tissue samples can be taken for biopsy through the tube (laparoscope) –Pre op meds- –Urogential- is the organ system of the reproductive organs and the urinary system. These are grouped together because of their proximity to each other, their common embryological origin and the use of common pathways, like the male urethra. Radial mastectomy- removal of the entire effect breast, underlying chest muscles, and lymph nodes under the arms. (modified is when the chest muscles are intact. ) Chapter 12- Cancer –Tumor Markers proteins produced/secreted by malignant cells found in the blood CA 125- cancer protein PSA- prostate specific antigen ACTH- andrenocorticoptropic hormone hCG- pre gnancy –Diagnostic Tests Xray- cannot distinguish between xray and cysts and tumors CT scan- Renal, gastro and lymph node cancers. Check for allergy to shellfish Ultrasound- Uses sound waves. Best in breast and prostate. MRI- Uses radiofrequency. Best in head and neck tumors. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing 103 Final specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing 103 Final specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing 103 Final specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Angiography- Tumor location is unknown. Page 1 Chapter 13- Death Dying –Kubler-Ross Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance –Advance Directives- legal document that specifies healthcare and financial affairs in case of incapcity –Living will -determines wishes in case of terminal illness or unconsciousness –Postmortem Care- Raise head of bed 30 degrees to prevent pooling –Hindu- Take loved ones home to die. Family and friends will keep a vigil until the moment of passing by singing, praying and reading scriptures. The mantra is chanted and holy ash is placed on the forehead, and holy water or milk is dripped into the mouth. ever embalmed, and the organs are never removed for donation. Chapter 14- Shock –Lots of questions on shock. Please review carefully. Page 316. –Know types, symptoms, treatment for each) Chapter 16/17- Cardiovascular –Central Venous Pressure- CVP reflects the amount of blood returning to the heart and the ability of the heart to pump the blood into the arterial system. IN the thoracic vena cava. –Normal range is 3-8 mmHg –Inderal (propanolol)- treats high blood pressure, angina (chest pain), irregular heartbeat, migraine headaches, tremors, and lowers the risk of repeated heart attacks. Its a beta blocker. – Chapter 18- Peripheral Vascular Disorders -Hypertension- BP 140/90. -Hypertensive Crisis- 180/120 -DASH diet- 2,000 calories. 7-8 grains, fewer than 2 servings of protein †¢Review pages 430- 438 Chapter 29- Urinary System –Urinary Tract Infection- #1 Noscomial infection Most common location is the bladder (cystitis) Most common upper UTI is kidney and renal pelvis (pyelonephritis) Most common bacteria to cause UTI is e-coli –Difference between Cystitis and Pyelonephritis Cystis- Dysuria, urgency, nocturia, Pyuria, Hematuria Pyelonephritis- Same as above plus flank pain, N-V-D, fever, malaise –Urinary Calculi. Stones made from Ca. Dull, aching to severe flank pain. Nausea, vomitting. Gross hematuria. –Lithotripsy- crushing stones through sound waves –Acute Renal Failure. -Rapid onset. Reversible. Most common cause is ishemia (poor perfusion to the kidney) Most common symptom is oliguria (urine output less than 400 mL/day) High BUN and creatinine levels Page 2 Occurs in 3 stages: initiation (up to days), maintenance phase (up to 2 weeks) and this is where all the problems occur, and the recovery phase (up to 1 year) Glomerulonephritis Leading cause of kidney disease and failure Caused by strep (a beta-hemolytic strep) Surrounded by bowmans capsule Sx: hematuria, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, azotemia (increase Nitrogen) Lasts 10-14 days –Nephrosis- nephrosis is any degenerative disease of the renal tubules. Nephrosis can be caused by kidney disease, or it may be secondary to another disorder. It should not be confused with nephritis, where inflammation is implied. –Nephrotic Syndrome Same as above but there is a significant loss of protein lost in urine Found in lupus and those with kidney disorders Sx: proteinuria, low albumin, high lipids, and severe edema in face and periorbital area. Blood clots are common. –Urine Dipstick H 6-6. 5 Specific gravity 1. 010-1. 025 Everything else is negative in a healthy patient –Potassium Normal 3. 5-5. 2 –Sodium Normal 135-145 Drugs that lower sodium levels are diuretics, (epi-/ norepi), decongestants and antidiabetic medications IV solutions that increase sodium are NaCL Chapter 31- Male Reproductive Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure that removes portions of the prostate gland through the penis. A TURP requires no external incision. Inserted through the penis and the wire loop is guided by the surgeon so it can remove the obstructing tissue one piece at a time. The pieces of tissue are carried by fluid into the bladder and flushed out at the end of the procedure. TURP is generally done to relieve symptoms due to prostate enlargement, often due to BPH. BPH is a condition in which the prostate gland may become quite enlarged and cause problems with urination. Symptoms may include Problems with getting a urine stream started . Nocturia, urgency, dribbling. Monitor for hemorrhage for the first 24-48 hours. Chapter 32- Female Reproductive –Metrorrhagia Bleeding between periods Sign of cervical or uterine cancer –Dilation and Curettage (D C) Page 3 –Cervical canal is scraped Monitor for circulation. Avoid pillow under legs. Avoid tampons for 2 weeks. –Vaginitis Fungal (candidiasis) Protozoan (trich. ) bacteria (granderella) Chapter 34/35- Endocrine System –Biofeedback Mechanisms (3 below) 1) glucose maintenance- interplay between insulin and glucagon, pancreatic hormones that release glucose and store glucose, respectively 2) body temperature maintenance -hypothalamus, nerves, skin, sweat glands, heart(beats faster if warm), kidneys -if your temp. increases due to exercise/warm weather/illness: sweating occurs to produce evaporation which leads to cooling -if your temp. ecreases due to cold weather/being scared/illness: goose bumps (piloerection) occurs, which are thought to be derived from a response that enable the hair to stand on end causing more insulation and heat 3) fluid maintenance- -kidneys regulate how much fluid is excreted. If you are dehydrated they will produce less urine. If you drink a lot of fluid quickly, then more urine will be excreted –Thyroid sits on either side of trachea Isthmus connects two lobes Needs iodine to secrete t4 (thryoxine) and t3 (triiodonthronine) that increases metabolism Also secretes calcitonin that decreases excess calcium levels in the blood –Hyperthyroidism Too much thyroid hormone SS: Increased appetite, yet loses weight. If left untreated, will cause cardiac dysrhythmias and heart failure Develops into 2 disorders: Graves disease and thyroid crisis Graves disease (goiter exophthalmus- protruding eyes) –Exophthalmus- protruding eyes –Thyroid storm- High fever (gt;102), tachycardia, hypertension, restlessness, seizures, delirium –Thyroidectomy- Will be on lifelong replacement hormones Euthryroid state (balanced hormonal state before surgery) Nursing precautions: hemorrhage, respiratory distress, laryngeal nerve damage, tetany, thyroid storm Myxedema- form of hypothyroidism Brought on by exposure to cold, infx, temp, trauma, narcotics tranquilizers More frequent in women SS: seizures, lethary to coma, hypothermia. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems shut down. Tx: airway, Cardiac function, increasing Temperature and TH levels by getting levothyroxine by IV. Page 4 –Cushings Syndrome Adrenal cortex produce s too much cortisol (hormone) or ACTH SS: fat deposits in abdomen, clavicle, buffalo hump, round moon face, hirsutism (excessive facial hair) Dx: Increase cortisol level and elevate 24 hour urine test with 17- ketosteriods and 17- hyroxycortcosteriods. Low potassium, Sodium and glucose levels are also higher. Meds: lysodren and cytadren are commonly used. –Addisons Disease Adrenal insufficiency SS: decrease glucocoritcoids, mineralcorticoids, and androgens Tx: IV fliuids, glucose, Na, glucocorticoids, warm and quiet enviroment Dx: Decreased levels of cortisol, decreased 24 hour urine test with 17- ketosteriods, Potassium is increased, glucose and sodium are decreased. –Pheochromocytoma benign tumor of adrenal medulla Produces excessives amounts of epinephrine and norepinephrine Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system SS: BP 200-300/150 +, pounding HA, profuse sweating, tachycardia, flushing, Dx: increased catecholamine levels in the blood or urine, CT scan. Adrenaelectomy Nursing care: stabilize BP –Adrenalectomy Removal of adrenal gland High risk of Addisonian crisis or adrenal crisis. Addisonian Crisis hypotension, rapid weak pulse, extreme weakness, confusion, circulating collapse and shock. Dangerously low K+ levels. Diabetes Insipidus Results from lack of ADH hormone Two types: neurogenic (damage to pituitary) and nephrogenic (Kidneys) Risk for hypernatremia Sx: Polydipsia, polyuria (5-15 ml. day) urine specific gravity of less than 1. 005, very pale urine, weakeness, dehydration, tachycardia, poor skin turgor, dry mucous membranes Nursing Care: managing fluid and electrolytes, replacing ADH. Monitor daily weight. Meds: Vasopressin (monitor for h/a and abdominal cramps). Thiazide diuretics and low sodium diet Chapter 36- Diabetes Normal blood glucose is 70-100. –Diagnosing D iabetes plasma glucose level (gt;200) oral glucose tolerance test (2 hour test, gt;200) fasting blood glucose (8 hour test, gt; 126) –Peripheral Vascular Disease Greater in Type 2 Atherosclerosis of lower legs Page 5 Leads to gangrene. (Most common cause of amputations) SS: hair loss, atrophic skin, cool feet, red- white legs, thick toenails, pain with walking aand at rest (usually at night), diminished or absent peripheral pulses. Type 1 Diabetes Destruction of beta cells leads to state of absolute insulin deficiency Usually occurs in childhood Prone to developing ketoacidosis Insulin dependent Sx: Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue, malaise, blurred vision –Type 2 Diabetes Sufficient insulin to prevent ketoacidosis, but to lower blood glucose Usually occurs after 30 Most clients are obese Insulin requiring but not dependent Sx: Polyuria, polydipsia, obesity, recurrent infx, fatigue, blurred vision, parenthesias (numbness and tingling around mouth and hands and feet. ) ADA 1800 calorie Diet –Diabetic Acidosis Occurs in Type 1 diabetes Sx: hyperglycemia, dehydration, coma, BS gt; 250, ketonuria. Metabolic Ketoacidosis= fruity, alcohol breath Common in those who are undiagnosed. Tx: fluids, insulin, correction of electrolytes. Unconsciousness patients need 0. 9% normal saline to replace sodium. Start with 0. 9, then 0. 45%. Dextrose is added to prevent hypoglycemia. –Exercise Reduces blood glucose by increase glucose use by the muscles. Eat snack before exercising. Avoid exercising if fasting is gt; 250. –Only regular insulin may be given b y the IV route. –HHS (Hypersmolar Hyperglycemic State) Occurs in Type 2 Characterized by severely high glucose (600 or gt;), extreme dehydration, and altered LOC, grand mal seizures. –Differences between DKA and HHS DKAHHS Type 1Type 2 Lethary Coma Kussmauls breathsRapid, shallow breathing Glucose gt;250Glucose gt; 600 *Kussmauls breathing – rapid, deep respiration to prevent decrease in pH. –Somogyi Effect Morning rise in glucose after a nighttime hypoglycemia. Sx: temors, night sweats, and restlessness. Tx: Eat bedtime snack –Dawn phenomenon Rise in glucose between 4 am and 8 am. Tx: increase insulin dose or changing injection time from dinnertime to bedtime Page 6 –Hyperglycemia Sx: Increased thirst and frequency Diet: low carbohydrates and sugar, sufficient hydration, and frequent small meals. –Hypoglycemia Sx: carry an emergency snack high in carbohydrates to help raise low blood sugar. People who have experienced hypoglycemia in the past should eat meals at regular intervals, avoid excessive alcohol and never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Chapter 37- Nervous system Cerebrovascular Accident- Brain attack or stroke Thrombotic CVA- Caused by atherosclerosis of arteries. Happens during or after sleep. Embolic CVA- caused by problems with the heart Hemorrhagic CVA- caused by hypertension Right Side vs Left side Effects left sideEffects right side VisualSpeech (Left-Language) UnawareAware ImpulsiveSlow, cautious –Heat stroke heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), and heat exhaustion . nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness. Remove any extra clothes. Frost bite Dont put direct heat on it. Wrap in blankets or move to a warmer environment. Chapter 38- Intracranial Disorders –Closed head injuries Coup-contrecoup- jerking forward-jerking back –Concussion brain injury resulting from violent shaking or impact –Contusion bleeding into soft tissue resulting from blunt force –Epidural Hematoma severe blow to brain causing arterial bleeding between skull and dura mater. –Subdural Hematoma injury between dura mater and subarachnoid layer –Intracerebral Hematoma Bleeding into brain caused by gunshot wound or depressed skull fracture –Simple partial seizure- jerking of finger, hand, foot, leg and face. Called Jacksonian March. – Sx: flashing lights, tingling sensations, or hallucinations. –Complex Partial Seizures Sx: lip smacking, aimless walking, picking up clothing –Absence seizures- In children. blank stare. Lasts 5-10 seconds. May be unaware. –Tonic-clonic seizures- Adults and children. From trauma. Stages: aura, tonic phase, clonic phase, postictal phase Up to 30 mins Page 7 Chapter 39- Neurologic and Spinal –Multiple Sclerosis degenerative disease that damages myelin sheath surrounding axons. Marked by periods of exacerbation and remission Effects Women between 20-50 Myelin sheath is the white matter in the CNS Pt is prone to UTIS, pressure ulcers, joint contractures, pneumonia, depression Dx: CSF (cerebrospinal fluid analysis). Look for IgG. , MRI and CT scan. –Parkinson’s Disease Results from a lack of dopamine 3 cardial signs: tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia. Pill-rolling. Levodopa- Used to treat shaking, stiffness, and slow movement Anticholinergic- Med for Parkinsons –Sx: dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, constipation, urinary hestation, pupil dilation, blurred vison, dry eyes, photosenstivity, increased heart rate. –Myasthenia Gravis Marked by periods of exacerbation and remission Sx: eyelid ptosis (drooping eye), diplopia (double vision), slurred speech, nasal voice, difficulty chewing or swallowing Face appears to have a snarl or grimace Risk for aspiration and respiratory insufficiency –Cholinergic Crisis caused by taking meds too early. Sx: Severe muscle weakness, NVD, increased salviation, sweating, bradycardia. –Myasthenic crisis Caused by taking meds late Sx: muscle weakness, inability to speak/swallow, respiratory distress, anxiety –Trigeminal Neuralgia Causes pain along both sides of face.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Philosophy quiz bee Essay Example

Philosophy quiz bee Essay Example Philosophy quiz bee Essay Philosophy quiz bee Essay The quiz bee started at exactly game, and the host, one of the professors first introduced all the competing contestants and there are 8 of them who Joined. They were all seated at the stage and the quiz bee has begun. The first component of the quiz bee was the Comic Strip part; they were given 2 comic strips and they were given 2 minutes to think of what can be the possible irony of it. The first comic strip was from Garfield and it goes like this; dieting is easy when you set your mind to it. I no longer crave food. Its the calories I crave. Garfield said. After 2 minutes, all their papers were given to the Judge; Mr Maillot, a theology professor. But their answers were read aloud by Ms. Myra Rexes for the sake of the audience. In my opinion, the participators answers were different from each other but all their answers make sense as well. The second comic strip was from Calvin and Hobbes and it goes like this; Well summer is almost over. It sure went quick didnt it? MIPS Theres never enough time to do all the nothing that you want. And again, their answers were even to the Judge and read my Ms. Myra. The second component of the quiz bee was the Anecdote, they were given 3 minutes to think and answer in this part. They were given 2 examples of anecdotes and they should answer one sentence this way; and yet . After that, the third component was the Situation part. They were given situations and they should give an irony about it. They were asked to answer it for 2 minutes and it should be this way, In this situation, . The first situation is this; What is ironical about planting a seed? I remember hat the possible answer for this is that, in this situation, planting seeds could take a little patience and yet when it grows as big as a tree, it could be a benefit for everyone. Which I totally agree with in a way that planting a seed can be sometimes dreary for it takes more than a year or more to have a fully grown tree but in the end, it will be someday, a fully grown tree that can be an advantage to our lives. The second situation is that What is ironical about the pork barrel case? I think the possible answer for this is that, In this situation, there are lots of unfortunate people ho need the money and yet its the wealthy ones who are spending it. This is my favorite question of all the questions that were given in the whole competition because it really makes sense in a way that there are lots of deprived people in this country who barely needs the pork barrel fund but it Just ends up in the pockets of the government and/or politicians, where we cannot do anything for they have all the power they need and want. And I for one am against it because I know there are people out there who need it the most than the government. The third situation goes hat In this situation, being a bully is somewhat bad and yet it can be a way for the bullies to be closer to the ones theyre bullying. The fourth and last component of the quiz bee was the Parable part. They were given 2 or 3 examples of parables and were asked to write a one sentence irony about it. It should be answered within 2 minutes I think and they should answer it this way, . For me, this was the hard part of the competition because in my opinion, reading a parable with that kind of ambiance, which is too noisy, can make me hard to understand. But that isnt end the competition yet, they first announced the top 4 and the host immediately followed his words that there are 2 who got a tie for the first place and Im very glad to say that our representative is one of them, the other one was contestant #7, Ma. Carbon Aquinas. So they were given a tie up questions which are parables. The first parable was answered by the both of them but the second I think gave the both of them a hard time giving an irony about it maybe because they got bored or maybe because they cant think anymore because of tenseness. But at the end, Mr Maillot has decided who will be the winner and I am proudly to say that our class representative has won the quiz bee. She was given a medal but also, all the other contestants were given certificates as well as a token of effort. At the end of the competition then I realized that in every contest we Join, we will always be proclaimed as winners. There are no losers even before and after the competition starts because everyone did their best and gave too much effort for every game theyll Join in. Also, even if we dont win, there should be no hard feelings instead Just e happy of who will ever win the game for it is the right thing to do. All in all, I am pleased that I attended the Philosophy quiz bee for the reason that I learned a lot of things about it especially thinking ironically in every way possible. Also, having our class representative Join and win at the same time is something the class could be proud of. But in fact the main lesson of this quiz bee is that; In Joining the competition, there are no right and wrong answers, answers always depends on how a person will comprehend it and how a person will think.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Why Are We Afraid of Plagiarism 

Why Are We Afraid of Plagiarism   Your academic years are some of the most important and influential in your life. What you learn and how well you can portray your knowledge acquisition will dictate your future success. Therefore, it is understandable that many students are afraid of plagiarism. Whether you are wrongly accused or intentionally commit plagiarism, the practice has long-term, negative ramifications. However, we all know the rule Forewarned is Forearmed. Get a closer look on what is plagiarism and you will combat the fear of it for the whole college life. What Is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas and claiming they are your own. This is usually done by an act of omission failing to acknowledge the original source of the information. Things that are most commonly plagiarized include: Ideas Theories Facts Statistics Graphs, drawings or other visuals Spoken or written words How to Avoid Plagiarism? There are several steps you can take to avoid plagiarism. First, rephrase the information you plan to use. This means putting it in your own words. Simply playing with the sentence structure or changing the word or two won’t suffice. However, a paraphrase of the information should still maintain an accurate portrayal of the original purpose or claim. If you are unable to paraphrase the information, include a short quote of the material. This should be a direct quote- capturing exactly what the original author said. It should be noted that most colleges and universities are leery of large, block quotes. Generally, a quote should be less than 40 words. Anything more than that can easily be paraphrased. Second, be sure to add a proper citation. The way you format the citation will depend on the style guide you are using (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). Usually, this means adding a notation of the author and date of publication (or other reference information). Note: Citations should be added for both quotes and paraphrases. Finally, include a reference page or works cited page. This will expound on the in-context citations you added, providing all the necessary information regarding the sources you used. Again, the formatting of this page will depend on the style guide you are using. It is important to note that your own works need to be properly paraphrased and cited too. If you’ve written something for this or another class, you must cite yourself. Treat the information the same as you would any other source. Otherwise, you risk to be punished for self-plagiarism. There is one exception to proper citation. If the claim is public knowledge- meaning the data can be found in various sources and is commonly known by the general population- you don’t need to cite it. For example, Barak Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States of America in January 2009. Consequences of Plagiarism The students who most commonly worry about the consequences of plagiarism are those who are intentionally embarking on the journey. However, it should be noted that these same punishments are also applied to those who unknowingly commit plagiarism. Each university has its own policy regarding plagiarism and will handle cases based on those predetermined rules. Usually, the severity and frequency of the act will determine the extent of the punishment. Many professors will award zero points for a project that is found to have plagiarized work. Alternately, the student may fail the class. Sometimes, the professor will use the formal disciplinary reporting process to notify university officials. Based on the officials’ findings, the student may be subjected to suspension or expulsion. Some schools make a note of the offense on a student’s transcript. This will severely limit the student’s potential for future success. Many graduate schools and prospective employers reference a student’s transcript; a notation of plagiarism could disqualify the individual for important opportunities. Perhaps more noteworthy is the negative ramifications the student inflicts upon himself. You are depriving yourself of a valuable opportunity to learn and grow each time you commit plagiarism. You aren’t creating your own work or even original thought. Additionally, you run the risk of being ostracised from your friends\ and fellow students. Anyone who has put in the effort will resent your attempt at an easy-out. Lastly, you will ruin the relationship with your professor. That professor could have been a valuable reference down the road and plagiarism will burn any bridges you have already created. Plagiarism is a dangerous act. However, honorable students don’t need to live in fear of accidentally committing a writing crime. Simply take the necessary steps to combat plagiarism; this includes thinking long and hard about intentionally embarking on any path that could jeopardize your future success. Have you ever plagiarised? Do you think plagiarism in college should be allowed? We are waiting for you feedback and your comment!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Public Relations Campaigns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Relations Campaigns - Essay Example Public relations are considered as a management function now. It focuses on public behavior or attitudes, and based on that it defines the policies and procedures of an organization. PR should act as a two way path for communication; from public to organization and from organization to public. Such mutual transfer of information will build up confidence between the organization and the public. Though the aim of PR activities doesn’t mean for publicity, most of the PR campaigns include provision for publicity as well. From the above discussion I think it is clear that a mere media release is not enough for recruiting talented graduates in our organization. Since media release is only a one way communication, we will never be able to analyze the public response towards it correctly. The public opinion towards a charity organization like us has to be studied carefully before going for the recruitment. The illusions about charity organizations among the public has to be corrected first. I accept that most of the potential graduates coming out from the colleges will look for other organizations to establish themselves. It is a fact that the youths always like big cities to start their careers. They will always like to have some challenging assignments to start their careers to cement their places in the corporate industry. It is correct that though we are offering competitive remuneration packages and job facilities, it is difficult for us to recruit potential talents to our organization. Considering all the above possible challenges in recruiting potential graduates, I believe that we have to change our conventional strategies of PR campaign. Our campaign should focus on the following things; avoid prejudices about the public opinion especially that of the graduating youths, about charity organizations like us. The results obtained through such researches will definitely help us in making successful

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The relationship between internal and external customer service Essay - 2

The relationship between internal and external customer service - Essay Example For instance, if the firm is a shoe production line, external customers are individuals that may include retailers and suppliers who enters the firm’s store and buys merchandise. On the converse, internal customers entail individuals or any member of the firm who depends on the assistance from others to accomplish her routine duties. They include individuals such as marketing and sales agents who needs help from a customer service envoy to place an order. Thus the internal customers ensure that the shoes produced are up to external customer’s satisfaction. Whilst, the external (buyers, suppliers, etc.) and internal customers (employees) may execute dissimilar roles; both customers are critical to the feasibility of an organisation. Traditionally, companies may have a natural propensity on only focus on the relationship with their external customers, since they are the ones that buy the firms products and services. However, it has become necessary of late and with increasing recognition of the need to give internal customers the same degree of reliance, for good internal customers’ relationship fosters a healthy working environment. Among the simple initiatives that an organisation can invoke in improving internal customer relations would include changing the culture in an organisation for all employees to think of fellow workers in the same manner as with external customers. The top management should always set an example by appreciating workers’ endeavours and encourage their criticism (PAWAR, n.d.). Such proactive initiatives are crucial to boosting employee’s morale and leading to the flourish of the business. Various relations experts have made commendable opinions of the significance of this relationship. The objective of this essay is decisively to appraise the role played by internal customer service in the delivery of external customer service excellence For few decades now up

Friday, January 24, 2020

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Essay -- Literary Analysis, Gray

The Declaration of Independence contains a snippet about the equality of men; a topic interesting to 18th century authors. The speakers in Gray’s â€Å"Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard† and in Goldsmith’s â€Å"The Deserted Village† utilize the themes of death and isolation in order to represent the different social classes. Goldsmith’s speaker idealizes and mourns the decay of rural life, while Gray’s speaker equalizes the different classes. . This essay examines the difference between these two depictions and shows how Gray’s use of stylistic features creates a more convincing argument. Goldsmith’s speaker begins nostalgically for the â€Å"loveliest village of the plain,† (1) by listing the town’s virtues which include â€Å"The never-failing brook, the busy mill, The decent church [.]† (11-12) Goldsmith uses this imagery to contrast the current state of the village, he goes on to say that â€Å"These were thy charms—But all these charms are fled.† (34) Here, the speaker urges readers to admonish the loss of the village’s charms by destroying the imagery created by the first 33 lines. He continues the description of the land as â€Å"forlorn† (76), but while the villagers were forced to abandon the area, the speaker’s nostalgia implies that he chose to leave. This nostalgia implies that the speaker’s depiction of the village could be highly romanticized. The speaker likens the loss of the village with a much greater problem, â€Å"The country blooms—a garden, and a grave.† (302) He suggests that this is not an isolated problem, but an epidemic that is happening all over the country. The village is lost to make room for a garden and a grave; the first belongs to the nobility and the later to the peasant. His portrayal of the New World supports th... ...dsmith seems to associate with the nobility. He goes on to speak of wealth saying â€Å"This wealth is but a name That leaves our useful products still the same.† (273-274) The use of enjambment forces the reader to quickly read over wealth, the effect makes wealth seem less important which mimics the actual words themselves, thus Goldsmith suggests that wealth is of very little importance in life. Both speakers advocate a respect for the rural class, while Gray’s speaker does it by likening the greats to the common men; Goldsmith uses hyperbole to lessen the appeal of the upper class. Gray’s work is succinct and contains many stylistic elements that encourage readers to see social classes as transparent and not as limiting. Goldsmith portrays the upper class as the death of rural life, whereas Gray’s speaker portrays the classes as not being mutually exclusive.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Taylor Swift and Feminism

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the goal of feminism to be empowered to do whatever you want? To establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment? To control your own life and make it into a success in a male dominated society? Taylor Swift Isn't hurting feminism, the only thing being detrimental to fearfulness Is your own backwards ass Interpretation of feminism. I'd you hadn't notice I have miserable luck with relationships. Actually luck isn't Even a factor, thieve all been miserable failures.So what's got me in a huff now? See I met this girl at a friends birthday party and we hit it off beautifully. Others thought we were really cut together and we Just clicked. For probably the first time I actually experienced someone who was legitimately interested in me even if It was Just a tiny sliver of interest. So she asked my friend about me and suddenly she has no interest In me. Why? Because I'm only 22. What the tuck. That has to be the stupidest reason I've enc ountered.What the bloody hell does my age have to do with anything? There is absolutely no reason age should make any difference unless its something dramatic like I was still in high school. Age is of no importance or an indication of anything, anyone can grow old all you have to do is live long enough. I was born at a very early age are you going to hold that against me? Jokes aside, its backward ass thinking like this that makes me shake my head in confusion at people. This excuse has been used twice before and I had to laugh at one use of It.One girl put forward that I was to old for her, which is funny because he still lives at home with her mom, her room basically resembles a 10 year olds with a bunch of Sailor Moon crap and she has no education or ambitions. I on the other hand have an education, am self-supportive (mostly) and have a job that gives Age isn't a factor anyone can control if you like a person you like a person end of story. It'd be like me refusing to date any girls who's name is Amy. My reasoning is backwards and stupid and its a factor that the other party can't control. It's not like one of us is underage or there's like a fifty year age difference.Yet when I told some of my friends they defended this girl saying she was right. â€Å"Sorry but she's right, it's weird for a girl to be the older person in a relationship. † Oh that's logical, way to stand up for your gender. I have no use for pathetic outdated thinking, and anyone that subscribes to this limited world view needs to rethink what it means to have freedom of choice. Makes me cringe that I have a better grasp of this than most, or that I'm the one who doesn't get things because I don't see rules in he same narrow world view that is considered the norm.You can't date someone younger than you? Or some stupid preconceived notion prevents your brain from choosing on your own. Hopefully someday more people will be able to unlock their mind forgo manacles and think for thems elves but until then I have to wonder why anyone thinks this is something. Maybe I am being ostracize and demanding a bit but I stand by this. If you meet someone and hit it off shouldn't that be what you look for in a relationship? Or some sort of statistic.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Prisoners Wife Incarcerated Parents - 1152 Words

Abstract My papers purpose is to inform the reader of the ever increasing number of U.S children with incarcerated parents. According to Department of Justice data African American children are nine time more likely than white children to have incarcerated parents, A number double that of what was reported in 1991 Most children of incarcerated parents live in poverty before, during and after their parent incarceration( Johnston 1995).The social consequences of not meeting the need of these children and their non incarcerated parent will come to the attention of social workers in array of fields of practice. This includes child welfare, mental health and child development, crimminal justice , schools and the juvenile justice system.†¦show more content†¦The author attempts to glide over the emotional health and well being and the extent to which the child will be affected by parental incarceration. Most children with incarcerated parents experiance a broad range of emotions, inclu ding fear, anxiety, anger, sadness,loneliness, and guilt (The Osborne Association 1993). They may also act out inapproperiately, become disruptive in the classroom or engage in other anti sociol behaviors. Often, their academic performance deteriorates and they develop other school related difficulties. The emotional and behavioral difficulties have been linked to a variety of factors, including parent child seperation and social stigma which the author fails to discuss. The book did not contributed to my understanding of the scope of the problem of parental incarceration and the effects on the children. However reviewing existing literature, though scarce re interated my hypothesis that children of incarcerated parents experience a variety of negative consequences. Nature of the parents, crime, length of sentence, availability of family support or all important factors to be considered affecting these children. Children of incarcerated parents are a vulnerable group in August 2000 The Bureau of Justice Statistics analyzed a 1997 survey of inmates in State and Federal Corre ctional Facilities to examine parenting stats of prisoners. The survey showed thatShow MoreRelatedGendered Pathways Into Crime = Gendered Pathways Out of Crime2594 Words   |  11 Pagesdone to female offenders be repaired because they deserve an unbiased chance at a good life. After all, they could represent your mother, aunt, sister, niece, wife and girlfriend. In her book, A woman doing life: Notes from a prison for women, Erin George did a fine job in depicting the life of women during the time they were incarcerated. She also included a light reflection of what life was like before prison and what life could be like after prison. This book included vivid passages of how womenRead MoreThe Shawshank Redemption Is A Film Directed By Frank Darabont1954 Words   |  8 Pagesin the year 1994. This film was nominated for seven Oscars and is nothing less than phenomenal. The movie was based on Andy Dufresne who was played by actor Tim Robbins. He is sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison for the murders of his wife and her and is sentenced to a maximum security prison. However, only Andy knows he did not commit this crime he is accused of. While serving his time in prison, he forms a friendship with Red who is played by actor Morgan Freeman, and they togetherRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesUnless you can fix on something that is not changing—for example, the ground or the stars—it is impossible to fly the plane. Tragically, investigators found that John F. Kennedy Jr. unknowingly flew his plane into the Atlantic Ocean killing himself, his wife, and his sister-in-law because he lost sight of land and, consequently, lost perspective. He became unable to manage change because he did not have an established, unwavering point that helped him m aintain his bearings. We make sense of change by being